Powerball: Oklahoma

Oklahoma Lottery History
In April 2003, the Oklahoma legislature passed two separate pieces of legislation referring the creation of a state lottery to a vote of the People of the Great State of Oklahoma.
Senate Joint Resolution 22 referred State Question 706 to a vote of the People. The overwhelming passage of this State Question on November 2, 2004, created the Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund and detailed the legal expenditures from the fund for education purposes listed in the law (see the Oklahoma Constitution, Article 10, Section 41).
House Bill 1278, referred to the People as State Question 705, created the Oklahoma Education Lottery Act (Title 3A, Sections 701-735 of the Oklahoma Statutes; Chapter 58 of the 2003 Session Laws). Oklahoma voters also overwhelmingly approved State Question 705 on November 2, 2004.
The Oklahoma Education Lottery Act created an Oklahoma Lottery Commission to initiate, supervise, and administer the operation of the Lottery. The Commission is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of seven members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Board is required to appoint and provide for the compensation of an executive director who may hire other staff as necessary and who will be responsible for the administrative management and daily operations of the commission.
The following file includes those laws as amended through the 2008 regular legislative session.