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Free calculation of biorhythms in our program helped many people to change their lives.

Quick Pick

Intuition and luck! The coincidence of high levels of emotional and intellectual biorhythms associated with the flash of intuition! Such days are needed to play the lottery — the odds are very high!

Why Did the World Lottery Association Say the Lottery NY has Achieved Level 2 Certification?

By accepting nothing less than the highest standards for the lottery NY citizens voted it into existence in 1966. Since that time the lottery has come a long way. In the 2010'11 fiscal year alone the lottery was responsible for $3 billion dollars going into the state's education system. That amount of money is over 15 percent of the state education budget. In the 40 plus years of its existence the NY lottery has given over $45.5 billion to education making it the largest and most profitable lottery in North America.

The profits are distributed using a formula that is the same as other education aid through the state. The formula looks at the district size and the income level, giving the lower income and larger districts more money. Lottery earnings are estimated when the budget is passed. If the earnings exceed the budget that money is rolled over to the next year.

Looking towards the future and taking a positive step in that direction for the lottery NY became a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) in 2009. The WLA represents 142 lotteries from 90 countries on 5 continents. Within the first year the New York lottery was granted Level 1 certification by agreeing to uphold the WLA Seven Responsible Gaming Principles.

Achieving Level 2 certification took more work, but has helped them continue to carry the lottery in the right direction. To get to this level the NY lottery had to take a long hard look at itself. A self-assessment must be done and the state needs to decide what programs need to be expanded or built to continue to grow. They then present the results to a panel to be reviewed. When all these steps have been taken the certification is given.

Level 3 certification will be the next step. It involves a plan, a timetable and a budget to set specific programs. Each plan has 10 steps in order to be developed according to the guidelines set up. The steps are:

  1. Research
  2. Employee Program
  3. Retailer Program
  4. Game Design
  5. Remote Gaming Channels
  6. Advertising and Marketing Communications
  7. Player Education
  8. Treatment Referral
  9. Stakeholder Engagement
  10. Reporting and Measuring

The final level is Level 4 Certification. Once specific programs are brought into operation they must be continuously improved and refined. An ongoing project that is sure to be never ending, but also a positive enhancement to the lottery and the NY education system.

With the work that has already been dedicated to its lottery NY is sure to do the work required to continue gaining certifications and eventually make it to the pinnacle of Responsible Gaming.

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