If you won the MegaLotto what would you do? Here we can discuss the many options we would have as choices and decisions would of necessity need to be made. So would you buy your dream house? Would you go back to school? Or send a loved one off to school?
Would you hit the links everyday or maybe take that long awaited family vacation? Certainly you need to think of these things and the purpose of this article is to give you suggestions and direction for you in case you win, you lucky dog! So what will you do?
A family vacation sounds very nice to do but what of children? Do you have school age children? The children's needs have to be thought of if your going to be a stand up person and love.
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Intuition and luck! The coincidence of high levels of emotional and intellectual biorhythms associated with the flash of intuition! Such days are needed to play the lottery — the odds are very high!