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Intuition and luck! The coincidence of high levels of emotional and intellectual biorhythms associated with the flash of intuition! Such days are needed to play the lottery — the odds are very high!

Online Lottery Played Here, Online!

Chances are if your reading this your reading it online now. Did you know that you can play the Lottery online? Chances are you did not. So in this article we will discuss this new way of playing the lottery and some things to watch out for too.

Playing online does not increase your chances of winning. It may make it easier to play especially if you do not like standing in line at your local lottery ticket outlet. Some people find standing in line a good chance to mingle with other people and have a conversation with a stranger. Nothing wrong with that, in fact it is a time honored tradition for many as we stand in line at the grocery store and by being in line means there is someone else to talk to if you wish.

Many of the countries that offer Lotto and other lottery games have opened up their games to be played online. For instance if you live in the United States you can play the Australian Lotto games. European games are also available to play online. Michigan and California offer online games as well as Texas, Florida and New York. A recent event is the Massachusetts Lottery Games is seeking approval to open its games up to online play. It is concerned with the cost of providing online gaming services but since other states are already online Massachusetts needs to catch up and come in to the 21st Century in order to compete in this new online world of gaming.

Of course the Mega Millions game and the Powerball game are competing online already to be the biggest Jackpot provider. A player can choose one or the other or both to play. If you're a real player why would you not play both when the Jackpots are in the mega Millions category.

A word to the wise, if you have been online for more then five minutes you should know there are many online scams out there. Emails about online Lotto's saying you won are common place nowadays. The best way to get involved in an online lottery is to search for one online and when you find one you want to play start small and avoid any emails you may get from other people that you do not recognize. Be smart, play with those companies you look for and can trust. There many legitimate companies providing online gaming. A way to tell is before you whip out the credit card send them a support email asking a question. Then wait to find out how promptly they respond to you and in what manner and tone they use. As in any company that you do business with you want them to be responsive and courteous to you. A legitimate company will make customer service a good part of their online presence. By writing them and using their customer service desk you will be able to tell how well they care about you, the customer. Online customer service is very important and many companies are learning this as they did with in store customer service years ago. We always have more then one choice so why settle if your not satisfied?

Even Canada has an online lottery presence so if you hail from Canada take heart, you can play too! There have been over 290 Canada Lotto 6/49 lucky Jackpot winners who won $1 Million or more. It is reported that there have been some record breaking lotto jackpot prizes won in the Canada 6/49 lotto!

So, if you follow my advice you can safely play an online lottery of your choice and maybe even from another country thus increasing the fun and your chances of winning!

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